Nigeria: The Wind & The Cross

My heart has really been heavy with the pain of the evil going on in Nigeria. As I saw this picture today on social media, I was really glad because it captures my thoughts and prayers for our dear Nigeria at this time.

In the midst of the fierce winds blowing across our nation right now, we need the peace & wholeness that the Cross of Christ has already provided for us, to prevail at this time over Nigeria.

We need healing and restoration. We need the wisdom & life of God to prevail over the leaders & every citizen of this nation. As the suffering of Christ was a really terrible experience, but with it God caused His amazing plan of redemption to come into effect, may God turn around the current events in Nigeria and use it to bring about restoration and the emergence of a new and blessed Nigeria.

The Bible says those of us who are born of the Spirit of God are like the wind that blows and no one knows where it is going or where it is coming from, (John 3:8).

I pray that as God's people, He will use us to blow into our nation Nigeria.

As Moses lifted up his rod over the Red Sea, the Bible says "...and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided," (Exo.14:21).

By the dividing of the waters the Israelites were able to pass on dry ground to the other side of the sea.

May God use us as His wind, to pave the way for our nation to move to its next level.

May we be strong and sensitive to God.

The Bible says "He that observes the wind will not sow and he that regards the clouds will not reap," (Eccl.11:4).

May we not allow the wind that is blowing prevent us from knowing & doing what God wants us to do. Rather as God's wind, may we know & do what God wants to use us to do at this time for our nation Nigeria.

God's grace is sufficient for us.

We shall prevail in Jesus Name!My heart has really been heavy with the pain of the evil going on in Nigeria. As I saw a picture today on social media that looked like Nigerian flag being beaten and torn by a wind, but it had the cross of Jesus at the centre of it. I was really glad because it captures my thoughts and prayers for our dear Nigeria at this time.

In the midst of the fierce winds blowing across our nation right now, we need the peace & wholeness that the Cross of Christ has already provided for us, to prevail at this time over Nigeria.

We need healing and restoration. We need the wisdom & life of God to prevail over the leaders & every citizen of this nation. As the suffering of Christ was a really terrible experience, but with it God caused His amazing plan of redemption to come into effect, may God turn around the current events in Nigeria and use it to bring about restoration and the emergence of a new and blessed Nigeria.

The Bible says those of us who are born of the Spirit of God are like the wind that blows and no one knows where it is going or where it is coming from, (John 3:8).

I pray that as God's people, He will use us to blow into our nation Nigeria.

As Moses lifted up his rod over the Red Sea, the Bible says "...and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided," (Exo.14:21).

By the dividing of the waters the Israelites were able to pass on dry ground to the other side of the sea.

May God use us as His wind, to pave the way for our nation to move to its next level.

May we be strong and sensitive to God.

The Bible says "He that observes the wind will not sow and he that regards the clouds will not reap," (Eccl.11:4).

May we not allow the wind that is blowing prevent us from knowing & doing what God wants us to do. Rather as God's wind, may we know & do what God wants to use us to do at this time for our nation Nigeria.

God's grace is sufficient for us.

We shall prevail in Jesus Name!

Written by:

Ifoghale O. Efeturi,


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