How To Live & Change The Game in the last 3 Months of This Year

I do not know how 2020 has been for you, but if you have been on the 'crazy' side of it and right now you're just almost living by a thread I want to ask you for a favour- COME ALIVE!

In the last 3 months of this year, place a demand on yourself to LIVE!
When I say Live, I don't mean activity on the outside, fake smiles, etc NO!

I mean COME ALIVE on the inside!
1. Begin with Hope- Keep Hope Alive & Active.

2. Take stock of your life- Who are you at this moment, where are you, why do you feel the way you do, what has happened? Do a thorough analysis of you from a place of deep introspection. Assess it all - your good, bad & ugly. Be true to yourself!

3. Based on your analysis, what do you need to put in place to make the next 3 months your game changer?.... For some people it might be knowledge, for some networks, for some change of scenery, for some rest, for some retreat, for some fasting & prayer, for some volunteer, for some a course, for some make that move, for some stop that move you've made...etc.

4. After you determine your what, how can you get it?
Don't be limited by what you have or don't have. Open your mind to possibilities, think outside the box, there is always a way.

5. What do you have in your hands? Stop looking to what you don't have, look within. You will be shocked at the capacity and ability in what you do have.
Start from there and build. Also learn contentment #SELAH

6. PRAY! Run to God! And don't just seek Him for the Blessings, seek His Heart. Desire to go deeper in Him. This is the foundation of your Game-Changer.

I believe with all my heart that Newness is birthing in this season.
2020 is NOT OVER!!!!!!!!!!
Don't fall for that mantra.
A day to the Lord is as a Thousand years #SELAH

I will end my thoughts here for now!
culled from @tysthoughts20

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