
Showing posts from 2020

Nigeria: The Wind & The Cross

My heart has really been heavy with the pain of the evil going on in Nigeria. As I saw this picture today on social media, I was really glad because it captures my thoughts and prayers for our dear Nigeria at this time. In the midst of the fierce winds blowing across our nation right now, we need the peace & wholeness that the Cross of Christ has already provided for us, to prevail at this time over Nigeria. We need healing and restoration. We need the wisdom & life of God to prevail over the leaders & every citizen of this nation. As the suffering of Christ was a really terrible experience, but with it God caused His amazing plan of redemption to come into effect, may God turn around the current events in Nigeria and use it to bring about restoration and the emergence of a new and blessed Nigeria. The Bible says those of us who are born of the Spirit of God are like the wind that blows and no one knows where it is going or where it is coming from, (John 3:8). I pray that a

The Hybrid Church - Day 2 (My Live Transcript of The Event)

  The Hybrid Church - Day 2 Speaker 1 – Pst. Sola Fola-Alade: Jesus always wants to lead us to where we can  be more effective. Peter had toiled all night and  caught nothing but Jesus told them to launch  out into the deep for a great catch. They  eventually caught a great multitude of fishes, Luke 5:4-7. In John 21:6, Jesus said “ And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes.” We have to be strategic to be more effective. “The best football goal scorers don’t run to where the ball is right now, but rather they run to where the ball would be kicked” - Pst. Sola Fola-Alade The percentage of people that attend church is actually very low. For example only 20% of the population of the US committedly go to church and in the UK it is only 4%. Now take a look at what is happening in the digital space. Below is a list of instagram followership as co

The Hybrid Church - Day 1 (My Live Transcript of The Event)

  The Hybrid Church (Day 1) Speaker - Pst. Poju Oyemade   Operating ministry from two dimensions:  * Digital space  * Physical space    Pst. Poju believes that God's agenda for  this season is that God is building two things on the earth through which He is  manifesting His kingdom now: 1. Strong local assemblies - powerful spiritual families.  2. Strong earthly families.   God's emphasis is on family - spiritual and earthly. Strong Communities. Powerful individual ministries that will come out of strong communities/ families.   Offence can make you cut the cord between these families and your power begins to wane. Thinking it is just about you. Where you are brought out of what sustains you.   These communities will sustain you. It is the idea of unity and team spirit. In the beginning of the New Testament church’s birth, it was not about individual ministries. There were powerful individuals but they were conscious of their spiritual families.