Powerful Lessons from the Most Touching Scene in ‘Avengers:EndGame’

To me the most touching scene in the Avengers:EndGame movie was when Natasha and Clint were on a cliff at Vormir to fetch the ‘soul stone’. 

Before arriving there, none of them knew that one of them will have to lose his or her life so that the other one can get the stone which in the movie was needed to help save or bring back the lives of so many millions of people.  

It was a big shock and difficult time and decision for them, but their reaction was really amazing.

Instead of trying to protect and preserve their lives, they were both literally fighting to be the one to make the ‘life sacrifice’.  

As seen in the following screenshots:


It was indeed a touching and inspiring scene.

So what powerful lessons can we learn from this scene?

Someone once said it is not the duration of your life that matters but the donation of your life.

In a world where there is so much emphasis on ‘self-preservation’ and ‘self-promotion’, making real and difficult sacrifices for the good of others is very rare and almost extinct in some quarters.

To even wait in the traffic so another car can pass to avoid a jam is too difficult for some of us.

A verse of scripture came to my mind as I watched this scene. Hebrews 10:24 (Living Bible) – “in response to all he has done for us, let us outdo each other in being helpful and kind to each other and in doing good”.

Another translation (Amplified) puts it this way - “and let us consider and give attentive, continuous care to watching over one another, studying how we may stir up (stimulate and incite) to love and helpful deeds and noble activities”.

Like the first translation used highlighted, Jesus did the same for us and He expects us to do the same for each other.

It is time we change the things that we fight for.

It is time we ask ourselves “what ways are the lives of others going to be better as a result of this thing I am fighting for?”

Is it just me, myself and I that I am always obsessed about and thinking about?

Fela Durotoye once said “every day we are dying. We are dying as a result of the things we are doing. But are the things we are doing worth dying for”?

Concerning our nation, the church, our marriages and families, our organizations and society in general what sacrifices are we willing to make the world a better place and to inspire others to make sacrifices too?

Our world is counting on us. The greatness of the future depends on the weight of our sacrifice today.

Please make the right move. 

Thank you.

Ifoghale Efeturi


  1. Truth is that we always want to take care of ourselves before considering others. True love is shown when we less conscious of ourselves and more conscious of those around us. Loving one another as Christ loves us is how people know we're believers. Thank you for this! May you continue to grow in the knowledge and grace of God.

  2. To be as Christ, we must enter and indwell the unity-of-the-faith (oneness or sincere-equal-partnership) of Godhead (Psalms133:1-3, John17:11&22, Ephesians 4:13) and we must be doing-good-unto-humanity (doing what is goodness or benefit-humans-and-nature) with Godhead (Matthew5:44-48*, Luke6:27-36*, Galatians6:10)

    Meaning we must fulfill what is destined of us as in Romans8:19-23

    The Manifestation Of Wholeness

    we-are sincere-equal-partners benefiting-humans-and-nature


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