Don’t Assume That Everybody Knows

After first service at church today, I went to a nearby shop to buy some refreshment. At the shop, I met a young girl who came to buy a sausage roll, like the one in this picture right here. As she picked up the sausage roll, I just whispered to her “remember to check the expiry date” and guess what happened? She looked around at the sausage roll in a bit of a shock and she said “I don’t know how to check the expiry date”. 

I immediately proceeded to show it to her and thank goodness it wasn’t expired yet.

Now, this may sound like little or nothing to many, but some of us have even found out that some sellers themselves did not know the product had expired.

The major point I want to drive home, is that sometimes, you never can tell the little or big way your little piece of advice or information may have on someone else.

Sometimes people may think you are trying to show off, but when you know why you are doing what you are doing, please go ahead and give that advice or information or inspiration. If the person doesn’t need it, ok, and if the person needs it, wonderful! You have made the world a better place.

So let’s not always assume that everybody knows something. Also, instead of criticizing people for what we expected them to know, let’s simply teach and help them know that thing; like we would like it to be done to us, if we were in their shoes. You may be disappointed at first, but please try and recover from the disappointment fast and figure out how you can help the person with the necessary and right information. I have had some experiences in this that I will likely share with you later. Please feel free to share yours in the comment section below.   

Thank you and God Bless.

Ifoghale O. Efeturi,


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