
Showing posts from June, 2018

5 Ways to Step Up your Level of Effectiveness & Professionalism

Protocols *Precision *Packaging  *Presentation *Possibilities   PROTOCOLS - Protocol refers to the orderly arrangement of things. In whatever you are engaged in, there is a step by step process for how things are to be done to achieve the best results. In cooking a good meal for example, there is a protocol to follow. There is a time to put the fish, beef or whatever animal you are using and there is a time to put every other ingredient. You don't expect to just put all the ingredients into the pot and leave it for ten minutes or so and expect the meal to be ready and taste good. Apart from the right timing, there are also quantities of each ingredient that are adequate for the quantity and quality of the meal you are cooking. All of these things are the protocols you are to observe if you want to cook a good meal. Do you get the point? In the same way, the wrong arrangement of your words or actions can completely alter the outcome of what you are trying to say or

7 Simple Ways to U.P.G.R.A.D.E. Your Life

From time to time we usually desire to elevate our status or mode of operation or quality of life or level of excellence or our capacity in a certain area of our life. These 7 things I have outlined here are things that can help you achieve that upgrade that you so desire. So lets briefly look at them together: U - Understanding   - This also stands for getting necessary information, knowledge, and wisdom about that area of your life that you desire to upgrade. Little adjustments in major areas can bring about great differences, but knowing the little adjustments to make is often the challenge. So be inquisitive. Ask questions, get counsel, get training, read, listen and meditate on as much knowledge about your desired area until you increase in understanding about what to do differently and the best possible way to do it.  P - Prioritizing - Knowing how to put first things first is one of the major aspects of self leadership. Having known the various things you need to do an

Background Check on God

When someone gives you a promise or says they will do something for you, sometimes, to be sure that they will deliver their promise you may want to do a background check on them. If from your background check on them you find out that they do not have the capacity to deliver on their promise you would no longer put your hope on them or their promise. Have you ever thought of doing a background check on God?  If you ever try to, these are some things you will find out about God: 1. God is Self-Existing – He doesn’t depend on anything to exist, rather everything else depends on Him for their existence. 2. God is Infinite – Nothing can limit Him. Time, space, location cannot limit Him.  3. God is Immutable – He doesn’t change His being, promise, and purpose. He can never reduce to become less God. His Word is yea and amen. When God gave His promise to Abraham, He was willing to confirm it to Abraham that He will surely perform what He was telling him. There w

The Ideal, the Ordeal & the Real Deal

I would like to share with you briefly about what I believe the three phrases above mean and how knowing or having them is important. Let’s start with The Ideal . The ideal is your vision or perfect picture, desire and expectation. It is your destination or end point.  The Ordeal is your present state or what you are currently going through or experiencing. This usually refers to negative or unsatisfactory states or experiences. The Real Deal is how you think you can convert your ordeal into your ideal. It is the practical steps, choices and moves that you know you have to make to change or move from where you are now to where you desire to be tomorrow. The clearer and more practical and truthful you are with stating each of these things out for yourself the better for you; especially with the last two. Don’t pretend or deceive yourself about where you are now and about what you really need to do to make that shift. Get knowledge, counsel and coaching where