Basic Principles of Christian Counseling

(My Teaching Notes)

We shall begin with Counseling in general, then we shall take a brief look at Christian Counseling 
Here, we shall consider some general principles of counseling that can also be applied in Christian counseling:
1. Compassion – really care and patiently listen and ask questions to ascertain the person’s need.
2. Composure – don’t look shocked or disappointed, compartmentalize your mind.
3. Confidentiality - be mature enough to never disclose things confided in you.
4. Correct information/ advice –be as honest, objective and instructive as possible
5. Rejection - Some people may reject your counsel. Don't feel bad about it. It happened to Jesus, Mark 10:17-22. Don't hang yourself like Ahithophel did (because his counsel was rejected), 2Sam.17:23. Naaman initially rejected Elisha's counsel because he did not get the type of response 'he was expecting' from Elisha, 2Kings 5:9-11.


First lets consider a few scriptures that talk about Godly Counsel

*Godly counsel Blesses - Psalms1:1 (blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly)
*We can make war (win in the battles of our lives) with wise counsel. In the multitude (of God's) counsel there is safety - Prov.24:6
*Counsel establishes plans and purposes (helps you achieve your desires) - Prov.15:22

The major difference between counseling and Christian counseling is in the counsel that is given – Godly Counsel.
Whenever the counsel (will) of God needs to prevail in a situation, Christian counseling is needed.
Christian counseling is about ‘doing’ everything needed for the counsel of God to prevail in a person's life.  Our gospel is not in word only but also in power, 1Thes.1:5. Christian counseling is not about sweet sounding words but activating the manifestation of God's power in the lives of people, 1Cor.2:4.

As a Christian counselor it is important that you take note of the following:  

1. Be conscious of God’s power (God does everything He does by His Word).
*As you are declaring God's mind to the person, see God manifesting His power in that person's life also. 
*The gospel and the will of God are intertwined in Christian counseling, Rom.1:16 
*Jesus said His words are Spirit and Life
*Power is needed for confrontation. Many times you may be confronting satanic powers, even if it's ignorance. Pull down strongholds with God's truth and power and help people stand in the will of God for their lives. 

2. Speak as Christ and as the oracle of God, Acts 3:1-13, 1Cor:14:3, Prophesy (1Sam.10:10, 1Sam.19:20-24, Acts 19:6 – tongues and prophecy)

3. Discern the will of God; compare spiritual things with spiritual things and be able to deduce the will of God even when it is not expressly stated, 1Cor.2:13.
Rightly divide the word of truth, 2Tim.2:15
Be able to discern between good and evil, Heb.5:13-14
Pharaoh’s dream – and Joseph’s interpretation.What was important was the wisdom of God prevailing in the situation. By the wisdom of God the dream did not come to pass. The famine did not swallow them up. No matter the dream what God says to you from His Word and Spirit is what matters.

4. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit:
*The Spirit of Counsel - Isaiah 11:2
*Knowing God's Glorious Mind & Will by the Spirit, 1Cor.2:7-12
*Some people don’t know what they need.
*Some situations exceed human knowledge and power but not God’s knowledge and power.
*Stir up the gifts in you, 2Tim.1:6

5. Christ is the counsel of God
Jews seek for signs, Greeks seek for wisdom - 1Cor.1:22-24 - but Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. Whatever you say must be based on the truth and grace of God revealed in Christ.

In Summary (putting everything together):
1. Compassion
2. Composure
3. Confidentiality -
4. Correct information/ advice –
5. Rejection
6. Be conscious of God’s power.
7. Speak as Christ and as the oracle of God.
8. Discern the will of God.
9. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
10. Christ is the counsel of God.

*Continue getting deeper into the counsel of God yourself – the revelation of Christ, Eph.1:16-23.


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