
Showing posts from November, 2017

A Great Chat with a Great Man

  His name is Mr. Uwaifo. I have known this man for about 18 years now and He is one of those God used to inspire and motivate me to take my walk with Him to another level as I was wrapping up my secondary school education. I'll leave that gist for another time. For now I want to just share some things with you that this great man said to me and some of my colleagues when we bumped into each other in the office some time ago. I usually jot better after a message, so after our discussion these are the things I put down from what he said: "The type of fire a metal goes through determines its resistance and the resistance of a metal determines its quality and value.  Resistance means the type of pressure a substance can withstand.  Some people have reached that point where as far as they are ok with God, every other thing is ok. They don't worry about anything else, no matter what they face. We all need to get to that level.  We all need to th



10 Things You should Always Desire (As a believer in Christ)

1. The sincere milk of God's Word (scriptures in the light of Christ and God's grace). 2. God’s presence (activated in fellowship). 3. To please God – His kingdom and Righteousness, Matt.6:33, John 9:4, John 4:34. 4. To serve and be a blessing to others. 5. The continuous filling of the Holy Spirit – living in the anointing 6. Activating and flowing in the operations of the Holy Spirit in your life 7. The things that are above where Christ is seated i.e. the fullness of this Life we have in Christ 8. That all men be saved. 9. To be faithful with little and to maximize your potentials. 10. To know what God is saying to you at this moment.  

Basic Principles of Christian Counseling

(My Teaching Notes) We shall begin with Counseling in general, then we shall take a brief look at Christian Counseling      COUNSELING Here, we shall consider some general principles of counseling that can also be applied in Christian counseling: 1. Compassion – really care and patiently listen and ask questions to ascertain the person’s need. 2. Composure – don’t look shocked or disappointed, compartmentalize your mind. 3. Confidentiality - be mature enough to never disclose things confided in you. 4. Correct information/ advice –be as honest, objective and instructive as possible 5. Rejection - Some people may reject your counsel. Don't feel bad about it. It happened to Jesus, Mark 10:17-22. Don't hang yourself like Ahithophel did (because his counsel was rejected), 2Sam.17:23. Naaman initially rejected Elisha's counsel because he did not get the type of response 'he was expecting' from Elisha, 2Kings 5:9-11. Now to CHRISTIAN COUNSE

