Two Powerful Channels for activating God's Justice for your life

I would like to show you two major things that God has made available for you as a believer in Christ, to experience His justice for your life in whatever situation you find yourself in.

By the way, justice here actually means blessing. Because of Christ the justice that God wants to meet out to you is His blessing. Jesus took the suffering and punishment you deserved so that you can enjoy His Blessing and grace that you don't deserve. God manifests His righteousness by blessing us because of Christ. For example it will be unjust for God to not heal us after He has allowed Christ take the stripes for our healing. It is also unjust for the devil to inflict sickness on us after Christ has taken it away. 
Ok so let's proceed to the two things God has made available for you to experience His justice or blessing in every situation. 

First of them is the Perfect Compassionate High Priesthood of Christ.

What this simply means is that Christ perfectly understands what you are going through because He has gone through it. He was tempted in every way yet without sin. He is touched by the feeling of our infirmities because He has felt it. This is why He is called our perfect High Priest. Because He understands exactly what it feels like we should be confident to share it with Him. The reason He went through it was so that He can bring you out of it. So He wants to impart to you the grace He used to come out of it and also the blessing that He suffered and died for you to experience instead of what you are going through. He has gone through it for you so you don't need to go through it again. Always have this consciousness when you are approaching God. The 'injustice' God meeted out on Christ is so that you can experience His justice on the earth. This revelation can revolutionise your prayer life and your ability to reach out to God whenever you are in a situation. 

Now to the second one. It is the Heavenly Union Grace Transfer of the Holy Spirit.

I coined out the phrase Heavenly Union Grace Transfer from Western Union Money Transfer. It is just like when $500 for example is sent to you in Nigeria from someone in America. What you have to do is go and receive it. You get the codes from the person sending it and that gives you a right to access it and convert it to Nigerian currency and enjoy it. If for example, a dollar is equal to about N400, it means that this $500 will be N200,000. 
One major assignment of the Holy Ghost is to decode and download the deep grace that God has already sent down for you in that situation you find yourself. 
1Cor.2:9-12 shows us that the Holy Ghost searches the deep things that God has prepared to freely give those that love Him and He reveals or downloads them to us. 
We know not what to pray for as we ought but the Spirit makes intercession for us according to God's will and there is an activation and download for manifestation of the will of God into our lives and situation. 

When we are praying in tongues we are decoding the deep things of God and activating them to manifest in our lives and situations. Divine direction and boldness will come upon you. Supernatural manifestations and angelic operations will be activated on your behalf. 

I must also say here that it is good to pray in tongues like if you are prophesying and it is good to declare prophetically the things that are inspired in your spirit when you are praying in tongues. 

That is one major way that we convert those deep things into our human currency. 

In all you will be edified and God's grace will be activated in your situation.

I believe this piece has blessed you. Please when you can go over it again and again and apply it to your life and walk with God. You will have great testimonies.

As usual please feel free to ask any questions you may have.

You are blessed in Christ.


  1. So y do God allow christians to fall sick n maybe die of it... So if Christ has gone tru it y would God allow us to go thru it again

  2. . For example it will be unjust for God to not heal us after He has allowed Christ take the stripes for our healing. It is also unjust for the devil to inflict sickness on us after Christ has taken it away.
    So since its unjust y den did God allow it in d lives of believers

    1. Thanks a lot for your question.
      To understand my answer to your question, the first thing you must know is that many times there is a difference between our reality in God and our experience in the natural.
      God has healed us in Christ. It is our responsibility to activate or receive that healing in our experience.
      Another thing is that to activate or receive what God has already done for us, God sometimes wants us to follow His leading & direction.
      For example in Joshua 6:1-2, God told Joshua to 'see' that He had given Joshua the land of Jericho, its king & its men. Then God gave Joshua direction on what to do to activate or receive that victory, which was to march round the walls of Jericho.
      If Joshua & his men did not walk round the walls, the walls of Jericho would not have fallen down..... not because God had not given it to them but because they did not follow God's leading to activate or receive what God had already done for them.
      There are so many examples of this in the Bible.
      So for your question, it may not just be that they did not have faith, it may be that they did not follow God's leading to activate or receive the healing that God had already given to them


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