The High Calling of Every Believer

Every human being has a natural calling, vision or purpose but in addition to a natural calling, vision or purpose, every believer has a high calling, vision or purpose. It is something far bigger than what we can desire or can imagine on our own. Paul called it a heavenly vision, Acts 26:19. 

God’s thoughts and ways are higher than our thoughts and ways, Isa.55:8. This is why Paul prayed in Ephesians 1:18 for the eyes of the believers to be opened to the hope of God’s calling.
Everything people like Archbishop Benson Idahosa did was not done out of mere ambition but out of a heavenly vision. TL Osborn once said of Archbishop Benson Idahosa that he knew who God was in him and he knew who he was in God. 

David knew how to play the harp and shoot the sling but God used these abilities that he had to fulfill higher purposes – cast out evil spirit from Saul and kill Goliath. Joseph had a dream – of his parents and brother’s bowing down to him. But God had a dream of the entire world bowing down to him to buy food from him during the time of famine. 

Joseph’s interpreting of Pharaoh’s dream, providing economic solutions for Egypt and becoming Egypt’s Prime Minister was not ambition for him. It was God positioning him for a high calling (to save the world from famine and to bring Israel into Egypt as God had told Abraham a long time before). 

Two major keys to fulfilling your high calling as a believer are:
1. To keep growing spiritually and becoming more like Christ, Phil.3:13-14.
2. Keep yielding yourself to God and following the leading of His Spirit.

Conclusion: Our desire to become more like Christ (both in His nature and in His mission) must consume us more than anything else. We must keep PRESSING towards the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, Phil.3:13-14.
We must desire to relate with God the way Christ relates with God and to touch the world the way Christ touched the world.     
You are a High Commissioner (Ambassador) of Heaven and you are currently being trained on the language, practices, dressing, beliefs of the nation (field) God is sending you to, to represent Him, 2Cor.5:17, 18 &20.
Remain very sensitive to God’s voice.


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