God’s Real Law

When many people hear about obeying God, the very first thing that comes to their minds is obeying the laws of God; especially the Ten Commandments. But is this really what God wants us to have in mind when He tells us to obey Him?

The law on its own is good (1Tim.1:8) but God did not give us the law to make us righteous. The law can never make anyone perfect, Heb.10:1. One major thing that God was trying to teach us through the law was that on our own we could not obey Him, Rom.3:20, Rom.7:8. Even Abraham’s righteousness was not based on the law but upon His faith, Rom.4:13.

The law was supposed to point us to Christ, Gal.3:24. According to John 3:14-21, the major reason people will be condemned is not because they did not obey the law, but because they did not believe in Jesus. 

Two Vital Things to Note:
1. God makes us righteous by our faith in Jesus, Rom.1:16-17, Rom.3:22. 
2. God makes us manifest and mature in His righteousness as we yield to His Spirit, Gal.5:22-23, Eph.5:9. 

Romans 8:4 shows us that when we are being led by the Spirit of God we are fulfilling the righteous requirements of the law. Everything Jesus did for us was so that His Spirit can come and live in us, John 16:7. The kingdom of God is not about rules and regulations but about the righteousness, peace and joy that the Holy Spirit produces inside us, Rom.4:17. The major agency by which God fulfils the New Covenant (Heb.8:8-11) in us is by His Spirit, Ezek.36:27.

Conclusion: When the Bible says in 2Cor.3:6 that the letter killeth but the Spirit giveth life it means that trying to obey the laws of God on our own will only frustrate us; but believing in Christ and yielding to His Spirit will cause the Life of God to be manifested in us. God’s real law is that we have absolute faith in Christ and His works for us and we follow the leading of His Spirit that is at work in us. God wants us to believe in the power of His Word (Christ) and His Spirit, Rom.10:1-10.


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