
Showing posts from October, 2016

The High Calling of Every Believer

                                                                  Every human being has a natural calling, vision or purpose but in addition to a natural calling, vision or purpose, every believer has a high calling, vision or purpose. It is something far bigger than what we can desire or can imagine on our own. Paul called it a heavenly vision, Acts 26:19.  God’s thoughts and ways are higher than our thoughts and ways, Isa.55:8. This is why Paul prayed in Ephesians 1:18 for the eyes of the believers to be opened to the hope of God’s calling.     Everything people like Archbishop Benson Idahosa did was not done out of mere ambition but out of a heavenly vision. TL Osborn once said of Archbishop Benson Idahosa that he knew who God was in him and he knew who he was in God.  David knew how to play the harp and shoot the sling but God used these abilities that he had to fulfill higher purposes – cast out evil spirit from Saul and kill Goliath. Joseph had a dream – of hi
Prophetic Word for 2016 by Bonnie Jones (wife of Bob Jones)  Everything I’m seeing now reflects the coming glory. Although everyone wants a piece of it not many are willing to pay the price. What will it cost? Everything! That’s why the Lord is washing the windows of our minds and cleansing us from the filth of the world so His glory can be entrusted in holy vessels. But He can only do this for those who are willing. He wants us to conform to His will and deny the world. I believe the church has played patty cakes with the world long enough. She can’t have it both ways. It’s time she MUST make a decision.   Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Who-ever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. (James 4:4 b,c)   Because He’s coming again in power and this time no man will stop Him. The power of the Holy Spirit will not be derailed this time. It will be frightening to those who know Him not. And this nation shall

3 Dimensions of the Revelation of Christ

  Consider this example: 1. Jesus is loving, 2. Jesus loves me, 3. Jesus is in me so I can be as loving as Him. Do you get it? That is, as regards ‘love’: 1. By the revelation of God’s Word, you come to admire Jesus for how loving He is, 2. By the revelation of God’s Word, you come to appreciate Jesus for how much He loves you, 3. By the revelation of God’s Word, you come to acknowledge that because Jesus is in you, you are as loving as Him. Use the above 3 steps for everything you desire and every character of Jesus that you know. Everything is in Christ. God’s fulness dwells in Him, Col.2:9. Receive Him as the Lord of that thing that you desire and you will receive the ability to experience your sonship inheritance in that area of your life, John 1:10-12.   “And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in e

God’s Real Law

When many people hear about obeying God, the very first thing that comes to their minds is obeying the laws of God; especially the Ten Commandments. But is this really what God wants us to have in mind when He tells us to obey Him? The law on its own is good (1Tim.1:8) but God did not give us the law to make us righteous. The law can never make anyone perfect, Heb.10:1. One major thing that God was trying to teach us through the law was that on our own we could not obey Him, Rom.3:20, Rom.7:8. Even Abraham’s righteousness was not based on the law but upon His faith, Rom.4:13. The law was supposed to point us to Christ, Gal.3:24. According to John 3:14-21, the major reason people will be condemned is not because they did not obey the law, but because they did not believe in Jesus.  Two Vital Things to Note: 1. God makes us righteous by our faith in Jesus, Rom.1:16-17, Rom.3:22.   2. God makes us manifest and mature in His righteousness as we yield to