The meaning of “Coming to the Father” and “Entering the Kingdom”

Texts: John 14:6-9 and John 3:3-6 (1Cor.2:14, 1Pet.1:23, Matthew 7:21-23)

Introduction: To come to the Father is to come into relationship with God the Father. To enter into the kingdom of God also means to come into relationship with God the Father. These two things (knowing the Father and entering the Kingdom) are spiritual positions and realities that we attain in Christ that will eventually have physical manifestations in our lives (See Romans 14:17). It is not just when we get to Heaven that we can say we have come to the Father or entered the kingdom. When Christ is in you, you have come to the Father and you have entered the kingdom. But the process doesn’t stop there. We keep coming to the Father (John 14:6) i.e growing in our relationship with the Father and we keep entering the Kingdom i.e getting deeper into the ways of God. 

4 Basic Parts of Knowing or having a relationship with God the Father are:
1. Having Faith in/of Christ,
2. Fellowshipping with God (worship, prayers, studying the Word of God),
3. Learning God’s ways,
4. Practicing God’s ways.

Jesus came to give us His Ways, His Truth and His Life so that we can have a relationship with God the Father. The degree to which we have come to the Father and entered the Kingdom of God is the extent to which we are manifesting God’s fullness and likeness. That is why Jesus said whoever has “seen” Him has seen the Father (John 14:9). That is the level Jesus wants to bring us into. It is not about our physical stature or appearance but the spiritual nature (character) and authority (faith of God) that we possess and manifest. Jesus wants us to become more like Him in the way He relates with God the Father and reflects the nature and authority of God the Father. When the Bible says we have been called into the fellowship of the Son (1Cor.1:9), it means that we have been called to relate with God the Father the same way that Jesus relates with God the Father. Also see 1John 1:3.

Conclusion: We have been made like Christ (1John 4:17b) so we can relate with God the Father and reflect the glory (nature and authority) of God the Father just like Christ. This is what coming to the Father and entering the Kingdom of God is really about.


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