The Unveiling of Ephesians 2:10

Ephesians 2:10 says - For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God
hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

The key to this scripture is in three major things in the scripture:
1. Workmanship
2. Created in Christ Jesus
3. Preordained good works

WORKMANSHIP – In some cultures like in Nigeria, the word workmanship refers to the payment for services rendered by a work man or woman. But this is ‘not’ what this word means in this verse. The word workmanship here refers to the best product a manufacturer has; the kind of product that will be put on display either in the manufacturer’s showroom or during an exhibition in order to attract patronage to the manufacturer. This means that we are God’s best products and we are made in such a way that our lives will make people want to know the God we serve and serve Him more.

CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS – This verse is actually ‘recreated in Christ Jesus’. In Genesis chapter 1 God created but in Christ God recreated. We are new creatures. We needed to be recreated because the first creation sinned and fell short of God’s glory.
We were not only recreated in Christ Jesus, we were actually recreated in the image of Christ Jesus. It’s like God was looking at Christ when He was recreating us and He was putting in us everything that was in Christ. As He is so are we in this world. Who He is, we are and what He can do, we can do.

Illustration: If you could put that very old Volkswagen Beetle car on the road, how fast do you think it would move? Not so fast right?
But if it were possible to put the engine of a 2016 Ferrari into that same Beetle car, how fast do you think it would move when it enters the road? Very fast right?

Now, when you got born again, your body did not change, but your engine (which is your spirit) changed. You received the spirit of Christ into you and your spirit is the real you. Just like the engine of a car is the real car. Right now you can function just like Jesus can function.      

PREORDAINED GOOD WORKS – Because of the recreation that has taken place in our lives we now have the ability to function the way God originally wanted us to function before the fall of man. There are things that God had ordained that we would do that because of the fall of man it seemed like it was no longer going to be possible for us to do them. We can now do those things and function in that realm and frequency because of the new glorious Life that we have received in Christ.  

Conclusion: In view of the above, we can thus paraphrase Ephesians 2:10 to read thus: You are God’s best masterpiece. Your glorious life will attract people to serve God. You have been recreated in Christ Jesus. Now you can function just like Christ, like God ordained for man to function before the fall of man.


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