
Showing posts from March, 2016

My Summary of the Book - Fire In His Bones

INTRODUCTION: Fire in His Bones is a compelling book by Ruthanne Garlock on the life and times of Benson Idahosa. A careful study of the book will provide a good picture of the following: His Birth and growing up years, His new birth experience and passion for the gospel, His phenomenal vision and start off of his ministry, His relationship, marriage and family His mentors and training, The oppositions he faced and His great ministry testimonies. HIS BIRTH AND GROWING UP YEARS: As a little child, his father ordered his mother to throw him away because of his sickly health. He often fainted and was lifeless for a while. On the night his mother painfully and reluctantly dropped him on the rubbish heap lifeless, she stayed close by and wept bitterly as it rained heavily. All of a sudden there was a thunderous lightening that struck and to her greatest joy, little Benson began to cry: he was alive again! Despite her husband’s threat to disown her if

What’s your excuse?

( Inspiration from some of the challenges Benson Idahosa faced in his growing up years and in the beginning of his ministry. Culled from the book “Fire in His Bones”). * As a little child, his father ordered his mother to throw him away because of his sickly health. * He worked on his uncle’s farm while his uncle’s children went to school. * He didn’t have shoes to wear nor get Christmas clothes like his uncle’s children did. * He dropped out of his correspondence course in business and accounting because he couldn’t continue to pay his fees * He worked as an assistant store clerk in Bata shoe company Benin * He once tried to attack/ disturb a church service by playing a football into their hall. * He was once the only Bini person in an all Igbo Church. * His father was the juju priest of his family and didn’t accept Christ when Benson tried preaching to him. * He began his ministry in a rented store. * As a young

Fulfilling God’s Purpose for your Life

  (My message notes for the 15mins exhortation I shared at the Benson Idahosa University Chapel Service yesterday, Fri.11 th March 2016).   1. Do you have a great and compelling vision for your life? 2. To what extent is the vision for your life going to impact humanity? 3. No matter the vision you have for your life, God has a bigger one for you - your high calling in Christ - Phil.3:13-14. 4. God wants you to be just like Christ (Rom.8:29, Eph.4:13) and impact the world just like Christ did. 5. Like an Ambassador, you are being trained to go to your nation (sphere of influence) & make impact for God - 2Cor.5:17,18 & 20.

The Unveiling of Ephesians 2:10

Ephesians 2:10 says - For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. The key to this scripture is in three major things in the scripture: 1. Workmanship 2. Created in Christ Jesus 3. Preordained good works WORKMANSHIP – In some cultures like in Nigeria, the word workmanship refers to the payment for services rendered by a work man or woman. But this is ‘not’ what this word means in this verse. The word workmanship here refers to the best product a manufacturer has; the kind of product that will be put on display either in the manufacturer’s showroom or during an exhibition in order to attract patronage to the manufacturer. This means that we are God’s best products and we are made in such a way that our lives will make people want to know the God we serve and serve Him more. CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS – This verse is actually ‘recreated in Christ Jesus’. In Genesis chapter 1 Go

The meaning of “Coming to the Father” and “Entering the Kingdom”

Texts: John 14:6-9 and John 3:3-6 (1Cor.2:14, 1Pet.1:23, Matthew 7:21-23) Introduction: To come to the Father is to come into relationship with God the Father. To enter into the kingdom of God also means to come into relationship with God the Father. These two things (knowing the Father and entering the Kingdom) are spiritual positions and realities that we attain in Christ that will eventually have physical manifestations in our lives (See Romans 14:17). It is not just when we get to Heaven that we can say we have come to the Father or entered the kingdom. When Christ is in you, you have come to the Father and you have entered the kingdom. But the process doesn’t stop there. We keep coming to the Father (John 14:6) i.e growing in our relationship with the Father and we keep entering the Kingdom i.e getting deeper into the ways of God.   4 Basic Parts of Knowing or having a relationship with God the Father are: 1. Having Faith in/of Christ, 2. Fellowshipping wit