A Prophetic Word for Nigeria’s Economic Situation

While meditating in the early hours of Monday 22nd February 2016, God stirred a prophetic word in my heart that I’ll like to share with you through this medium.

How it Began:
On Wednesday 17th February we were privileged to have Bishop FEB Idahosa come and minister to us during our RHEMA 360 Service at CGMI Church Unusual, Benin. In line with our theme of the month “Divine Assistance” (as given by Archbishop Margaret Idahosa) he shared with us from 1Kings 17:7-16, about how God sent Elijah to the Widow of Zarephath after the brook dried up, in a time of famine in the land. The Widow of Zarephath was initially unwilling to give Elijah the food he was requesting from her because it was little and she had planned to eat it as her last meal with her son before they both die. Eventually she agreed to give Elijah food first and the flour and oil that she thought was little continued to overflow until the famine was over.
Bishop FEB told us that sometimes the way God brings divine assistance into our lives is by using us to assist others. He said many times God will make us do things that will stretch our faith just before He comes in with a divine assistance that we are not expecting. He said as we give, we create a vacuum that God eventually fills.   

The Prophetic Word:
Now about four days after this message God used this message to stir the following things in my heart that I believe applies to the economic situation in Nigeria at the moment:
1. We must not let fear prevent us from being sensitive to God and doing what God wants us to do in this season.
2. Just as God sent Elijah to the Zarephath woman He would send people, institutions and even the government our way and He would want us to use what we have to solve problems, meet needs and be a blessing to them.
3. As God told Elijah that He had prepared the Zarephath woman ahead of time, God has also prepared you ahead of time for this season that we are in.
4. Your desire to contribute to the solving of the economic situation of the country needs to be more than any fear of survival in this season and time. Your praying and speaking words into the nation will go a very long way.
5. People who were not even sure of surviving this tough season would not only survive the season but would be used by God to sustain others in this season.

May the Holy Spirit breathe upon this Word and give you greater insight on how it would be fulfilled in and through your life in Jesus Name.


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