About Hurts & Offenses:

A long time ago, a friend of mine did something that really hurt me. I was so angry that I decided to even cut off from this person and no longer even relate with this person. I actually didn’t tell the person that I was upset with what the person did. 

After a while I began to feel bad about my reaction towards the person and I repented before God and asked God for His help so I can forgive and love the person again. 

A short while after I did this, this person approached me for counseling and prayers about an issue that had persisted for a while in the person’s life. By God’s grace, together with someone else I prayed my heart out for this person.
As I left my meeting with this person I felt so bad about the way I felt about the person before, but I was actually more grateful to God for helping me to overcome my bad feeling towards this person because if I still had that feeling I wouldn’t have been able to minister to the person the way I was supposed to. 

You won’t believe what happened next. The very next morning, this person receive a miracle exactly as we prayed to God for!

Now, I’m not saying it was my prayer that did it but I thank God that I was able to pray for this person.

When I think on this experience, what comes to my mind is that many mighty moves of God can be thwarted by hurts and offenses. Our decision to let go of hurts and offenses can really enhance the mighty move of God in our midst.

May God grant us His grace and wisdom to continually handle our hurts and pains in such a way that His will would be done and His Name will be glorified in our lives. 

Ifo Efeturi


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