My Greatest Birthday Surprise (Late Post)

On my birthday (30th August) this year (2018) I received a lot of love, calls and gifts but there is one call that really amazed me. This was how it went:

Me: Hello

Caller: Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday to you darling!

Me: Thank you so much! Sorry, please I don’t know who is speaking.

Caller: This is Archbishop Margaret Benson Idahosa.

Me: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


I am almost on the floor right now!


.........She then prayed a very special prayer for me and told me some other wonderful things. I was just blown away.

I must say that I was so touched with her great humility and love.

Someone special who was with her while she made the call actually captured a video of it for me....I'm sure some people can guess who this special person is.

I will forever remember my birthday in 2018 because of this experience!


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