
Showing posts from August, 2018

How I Started My Business with N10,000 & Grew it into A Multi-Million Naira Empire

Passion I started my Beddings business @stuchbeddings ) as a Corp member with 10, 000 naira in 2014 because of my love for beautiful bedrooms and in a bid to be self employed/financially independent.   Resourcefulness   I had no good phone to take pictures, so I borrowed my neighbour's phone, bought paint worth 5k and begged my corper friends to help repaint my room. I had no bed frame so I had to take pictures with my mattress on bare floor without shame.     Overcoming Challenges & Persevering Cost of bedsheet materials increased drastically but I did not stop! Tried getting loan/investors to grow my business, 1kobo did not come! Continued working with what I had and reinvesting every profit, no debt anywhere and God blessed the work of my hands!   When I started, I needed a coach/course on how to start a Beddings Business but FOUND NONE! I saw handouts for every other business but not a single guide for Beddings! I knew I had to depend on myself and

Serving the Lord by Serving One Another 2

Another way we serve one another in our service to the Lord, is by giving to one another.   Romans 15:25-26 says “ But now I go unto Jerusalem to minister unto the saints. For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem .” Ministering to the saints is meeting the needs of fellow believers....those around us.   If for example, you know and describe a brother by his tie or shoe (i.e. he wears it every Sunda y) what is God telling you? Add to it.  1Cor.16:15 says “ I beseech you, brethren, (ye know the house of Stephanas, that it is the firstfruits of Achaia, and that they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints,) ” 2Cor.9:1-2 says “ For as touching the ministering to the saints, it is superfluous for me to write to you: For I know the forwardness of your mind, for which I boast of you to them of Macedonia, that Achaia was ready a year ago; and your zeal hath provoked very many

Serving the Lord by Serving One Another

Introduction:  Along with serving God by praying and by preaching the gospel, we also serve God by loving and caring for the saints. Gal.5:13 says “ for, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another ” Legalism is an enemy of grace and licentiousness is equally an enemy of grace. The way we use the freedom we have in Christ is very important. Instead of indulging the flesh, by love, we are to serve one another. As we serve one another, we are serving the Lord. 1Cor.16:15 says “ I beseech you, brethren, (ye know the house of Stephanas, that it is the firstfruits of Achaia, and that they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints,) ” The addiction that this people had was serving the people of God. That is a very good addiction to have. Now, why is this important? It is important because when you are serving the saints, you are serving Christ. The evidence of your servic

Don't Stumble for Lack of Vision

      What drives you as a person? Are you feeling a sense of weariness? Are you beating the air trying to compete on a lane or land that you have not been called? Are you playing by man made rules under the pressure to perform on a platform that i s likely to keep draining and framing you as a loser? O r are you propelled by a sense of inner purpose that creates a cocoon of personal peace and safety? Are you stepping out each day, taking action daily based on who you are called to be, light that shines brightly, salt that seasons, making a difference to everything you touch? Are you on message? Bringing joy, life, laughter, relief to a world in need of your sunshine? O r are you in a rat race? Let the vision in your heart, that God given picture of you as divinity doing incredible things on earth, play out each day dear frie

Expect Answered Prayers

When the dream of God becomes the most important part of our lives, a culture is formed that enhances our purpose for being. This is what brings us into our greatest possible delight. The dream of God is to be discovered and embraced until it becomes our dream. And at least in part, that dream is that Heaven would come to earth. Sound impractical or impossible? Not to Him. It’s in His heart, and it is well within His ability to complete, even through the finite efforts of those yielded to His purposes. It is our privilege to join in this endeavor by co-laboring with Him and watch Him add His wisdom and power to our prayers that we follow with simple obedience. Assigned by God The Bible frequently speaks of the responsibilities given to those who follow Jesus. But there is one assignment given that is so large, so all encompassing, that every other commission aligns its purpose to the fulfillment of that one. Perhaps we could call the other assignments sub-poi