
Showing posts from May, 2018

You don’t have to believe in yourself to be a Hero

The title of this article is something I have known and believed in for a long time and I will like to buttress it for you with the following points: *The Malian turned French *Neo of the Matrix *The Master Key for overcoming Stage Fright So let’s begin with The Malian turned French. You may have heard the recent news of the 22-year-old Malian called Mamoudou Gassama who climbed a four storey building through the balcony to rescue a child who was hanging from the balcony.    He said he saw the child in danger and he just decided to help. As he ran towards the building he didn’t exactly know what to do. All he knew was that he was going to help and the means and plans began to come out of him. He said "I didn't think about it. I climbed up and God helped me". For his heroic act, he was not only commended by the President of France for his act of courage and made a French citizen, He was offered a Job in the Paris Fire Brigade.