
Showing posts from 2018

The importance of Up-selling and Extra-caring in Business

In 2009, while receiving training on a new job I got, the South African consultant made mention of "upselling" and I was hearing the word for the first time. She said beyond what customers request for, we must be eager to tell customers about other products of the organization that they may not be aware of, but may like to experience.  Sometime ago, I visited a shop to buy some provisions and the way the young lady there was talking about some other products they had, I actually felt like buying the entire shop. Beyond good customer service, I believe it takes both passion for that business and an ownership mentality of the business for you to upsell and inspire customers to want to buy more than they originally planned to.  Extra-caring is also related to this and it is something I have admired in some businesses in recent times. I once bought a gadget from a computer shop in Sapele, and later that evening, the owner of the shop who I just met, actual

My Greatest Birthday Surprise (Late Post)

  On my birthday (30 th August) this year (2018) I received a lot of love, calls and gifts but there is one call that really amazed me. This was how it went: Me: Hello Caller: Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you darling! Me: Thank you so much! Sorry, please I don’t know who is speaking. Caller: This is Archbishop Margaret Benson Idahosa. Me: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! Mummyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!! I am almost on the floor right now!   .........She then prayed a very special prayer for me and told me some other wonderful things. I was just blown away. I must say that I was so touched with her great humility and love. Someone special who was with her while she made the call actually captured a video of it for me....I'm sure som