Glorious Effects of your Personal Revelation of Jesus

The message below is an exposition of John chapter 1.
I pray it blesses you as much as it has blessed me. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have.
May God keep drawing you closer to Him and may He keep lifting you up in Him.

John 1:1-3 – What is your definition of all things that were created by the Word of God? Does it include all other planets and galaxies that man is not even aware of yet? Do you really realize and believe that all things are made by Jesus the Word of God, and that all things are made for Him and all things consist of Him and are sustained by Him, Heb.1:3, Col.1:16 -17?
John1:4 - 5 – The light of men here refers to every good thing about every human being, James 1:17. Because of sin man fell short of the glory of God but there is still a little dimension of the glory of God in every man.

John1:6 – 9 – John the Baptist bore witness of Jesus - the True Light; the One who was coming to really lighten up the lives of men with the fulness of His Life and glory (salvation and redemption into His Fulness).

John1:10 – 13 – Just as Jesus (the all powerful creative Word and Light of God) was in the world, but He was not recognized for who He is, today many people are not recognizing Him in the fulness of His glory and as such are not experiencing God’s all powerful creative Word and Light in various areas of their lives. The fulness of God dwells in Him, Col.2:9. He wants to manifest Himself in every area of your life.    

John1:14 - 18 – This all powerful creative Word and Light of God graciously and unbelievably became flesh like you and I. He came into our realm (world) to free us and bring us into His Realm (World), Heb.2:9&14. John (Jesus’ Disciple) said they saw the real glory of Christ; as the only begotten of the Father who was full of grace and Truth. Today we continually need our eyes to be opened by the Spirit of God to see the real glory (admirable nature) of Christ so that our lives will be filled with the fulness of God’s Grace (enablement) and Truth (reality).

John1:19 – 28 – When John the Baptist was being asked, he knew and testified clearly that He was not the Christ but a witness who prepared the way for the Christ. He was being asked because there was something different about Him. He was different because he knew how powerful and important the person He was witnessing about is.

John1:29 – 36 – John the Baptist passionately advertised and introduced Jesus when he saw Jesus for the first time. He recognized Jesus by the Spirit; because of the sign that God had given him to know who Jesus would be. John had a deep and unique walk with God by the help of the Spirit of God.    

John1:37 – 51 – John’s testimony of Jesus was so compelling that his disciples followed Jesus and called their friends and family members to follow Jesus too. As they followed Jesus they began to have unusual encounters with Him.

Conclusion - 3 Things that your revelation of Jesus will do for you:
1. It will affect the extent, to which Jesus would powerfully recreate and light up your life with His Goodness,
2. It will affect the amount of His Glory (grace and truth/enablement and reality) that will fill your life,
3. It will affect the way you would passionately live for Him, testify about Him and reveal Him to your world;  and this will determine how much you would be able to influence people to follow Him.

If you desire these effects and more in your life then you need to keep depending on the Spirit of God to open your eyes to the awesome glory of Christ and you need to keep living your life in deep reverence, desire and awe of Christ.       


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