
Showing posts from February, 2016
Rev. Wale Ajayi's Quotes'   

Rev. Wale Ajayi's Quotes'

Rev. Wale Ajayi's Quotes

A Prophetic Word for Nigeria’s Economic Situation

While meditating in the early hours of Monday 22 nd February 2016, God stirred a prophetic word in my heart that I’ll like to share with you through this medium. How it Began: On Wednesday 17 th February we were privileged to have Bishop FEB Idahosa come and minister to us during our RHEMA 360 Service at CGMI Church Unusual, Benin. In line with our theme of the month “Divine Assistance” (as given by Archbishop Margaret Idahosa) he shared with us from 1Kings 17:7-16, about how God sent Elijah to the Widow of Zarephath after the brook dried up, in a time of famine in the land. The Widow of Zarephath was initially unwilling to give Elijah the food he was requesting from her because it was little and she had planned to eat it as her last meal with her son before they both die. Eventually she agreed to give Elijah food first and the flour and oil that she thought was little continued to overflow until the famine was over. Bishop FEB told us that sometimes the way Go

Made ...... To Worship

Worship, just like prayer, can only be done by people that have a real relationship with God. All creation calls Him God but only His children can call Him Father; Abba Father. God is a Spirit and He is seeking those who will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. God is seeking real worship. When Christ saves us, our spirits become alive; we can now relate with God the real way God has been longing to relate with His children – Spirit to spirit. Our hearts become the places of worship – real worship. For God is not worshiped in temples made with hands; God is worshiped in temples made by His Spirit. God is seeking real worship. In worship we fully, passionately and affectionately express to God who and all that we think He is and we know He is to us and to all of life. Worship is a divine privilege. Worshiping God is our destiny. We were made from God, we were made like God, only we can really worship God. Only we can really give God the type of worship that He deserves. W

Spiritual Authority (My Training Notes)

Introduction: Spiritual authority is about submitting to God’s leading and authority over your life. A major part of spiritual authority is ‘acknowledging’ the grace that God has put upon the lives of people and acting in line with this consciousness. This is about judging (respecting, submitting or relating to) no man after the flesh, 2Cor.5:16 – not by Age, Affluence, Gender, Experience or Skill but by God’s grace, calling and anointing upon them. The major key for growing in spiritual authority is humility 1Peter 5:6 - Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: 3 Dimensions of Spiritual Authority 1.        As it relates to God 2.        As it relates to Your Followers 3.        As it relates to your Leaders 1.        AS IT RELATES TO GOD Like Jesus *Love & Honour God sincerely. *Spend time fellowship with God (especially in worship, study & prayers). *Learn God’s ways and practice the